RS Meeting Summary
can turn lemons into lemonade from the inside out when I . . .
March—RS Birthday
“Celebrate RS, Celebrate You!”
Decorated cupcakes
Video presentation and clips about what
sisters had done to serve each other
. . learn to be truly happy in my life, even as the world is teaching me that
happiness is elusive.
Did the “Attribute Activity”
Brought something that made them “happy”
Love Languages
. . . help build a happy forever relationship
with my husband, even though he's a man.
Quick overview of the Love Languages
Sisters rotated through 5 booths and
learned about the love language. Also had something to take away and apply from
each station
RS Meeting
Scratched this month’s activity to
support Stake Meeting
Family Feud
. . nurture my children and love my calling as mother in a gospel centered
home, even though it's the hardest work I've ever done.
Had sisters take a survey about common
parenting problems, concerns, etc.
Took survey results to create a Family
Feud game
Also had a panel of sisters in different
stages of life to answer parenting questions
August—RS Health Fair
. . focus my family on healthy spiritual and temporal choices in spite of the
obstacles and distractions the world provides.
Had sisters present on topics that they
were “experts” in. Each had 2-5 minutes to present and set up a booth
included: Meal
Planning/Grocery Shopping Strategies/Healthy snacks, Family Activities,
Exercise, Couponing, Gardening in Texas
September—Service Auction
. . build loving friendships with my sisters in Relief Society, even though we
are very different women.
Each sister filled out a certificate to
auction off
Extra copies were there that night
Sisters filled out a “points” form, so
they had points to use during the auction
Swap and Cookie Decorating
. . . reach out and serve in my community with
the time and resources I am blessed with.
Sisters signed up ahead of time if they
were interested in swapping casseroles. Those who chose not to, decorated
Halloween cookies to give to others
Sisters in the swap prepared ingredients
for 5 casseroles, and that night went from table to table making new casseroles
to take home
. . . make an effort to seek out knowledge of
people and cultures other than my own and broaden my appreciation for all of
God's children.
Sisters met at the church and rotated
through 5 rooms to hear about the church in different parts of the world
Food was from all over the world, and
sisters snacked as they listened to each presentation
of Love
. . . celebrate the birth and life of my
Savior in a meaningful way during the craziest month of the year.
Sisters rotated through houses in
Windmill farms to enjoy a snack and a Christmas message
**Note that most of these activities are posted on our blog. Each month has an invitation posting, and a recap posting. Just search for a date or keyword of the activity you want and it should pop up! Sorry they aren't hyperlinked to make your life easier.