
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Today during church we were able to meet together during Relief Society hour and have a "Celebration of Women." The youth covered the primary and nursery classes for that hour to allow all the Primary and Young Women Leaders to join us.
The presidency and committee combined forces to get things set up in the gym. We brought yummy breads of all varieties and grapes and pretty sugar cookies.

It was so neat to see everyone gathering together as sisters on this beautiful Mother's Day!

We filled the gym!
After our prayer and announcements, we brought the spirit to our meeting with a beautiful arrangement of "As Sisters in Zion" sung to us by Gretchen, Melissa, and Hiedi with Amy on the piano.

 Then everyone was let loose to get some food.


After we spent some time visiting and munching, we were pleased to hear another awesome musical number. Melissa sang "A Woman's Heart."

 What a wonderful message and reminder to all of us of what we can be as women.
I suggest you listen to the following recording if you have never heard it before.

Then we got to listen to some inspired words from our wonderful Relief Society President, Gretchen. She talked about her three daughters and how each one is quite different-- one puts her all into being a mother, one who wants to have a career as part of her family life, etc. Gretchen told us about some other women of the church that she had read about. One of which was Elaine Bradley-- a drummer for a rock band. Watch the following video to learn more about this sister and the way she fulfills her dream of being a musician while still maintaining a solid life living as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Gretchen spoke about how we are all different and that we shouldn't judge each other. We also shouldn't judge ourselves too harshly (which we have the tendency to do as women, it seems).

I loved when she said,
 "If you like baking bread at home--  if you think it tastes better, you feel it's healthy for your family, if you enjoy doing it-- then make home made bread. If you don't like baking-- then buy a loaf of bread."

Sometimes we get too caught up in what we think a perfect LDS woman should be-- a sewer, a baker, etc. etc. And we get stressed or feel like we aren't good enough if we can't or don't do those things. But really, those things won't get us into the celestial kingdom.  It is more important that we live the gospel standards. And beyond that, we should do the things that make us happy (as long as they are within the standards of the church of course :) ).

It was a wonderful message and I think we all felt feeling better about ourselves and with a greater resolve to judge less and help more.

It was a wonderful celebration of womanhood and we loved spending time all together.
Thanks to everyone who made it possible!

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